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  • jakellmel

The Madame C. J. Walker: A Collage

During the process of making my collage, I ran into some difficulty combining all the wallpapers in a neat fashion and with altering the color of the money to give it more of a green hue within my work.

To continue the trend of bringing the viewers attention to the center of the work, toward Walker's portrait, I decided to cut the wallpapers and turn them into a radial pattern around the large framed portrait. I found this method to be far more successful than just overlapping the wallpapers around the center. Another problem I ran into while working was changing the color of the money fan I created. I learned that I could use the brush tool on color mode and color the money green while still keeping details in the image. I found this project to be very fun and a great learning experience of applying my knowledge of photoshop.

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Found NFT

Here is the link to the NFT I have found for this assignment:


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