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  • jakellmel

Trevor Wentt: My Inspiration

Updated: Jan 21, 2021

Trevor Wentt is an black creator and artist who makes art "to challenge perspectives and give hope to the marginalized and oppressed." Most of his works and projects are based in photography, but as of recently he has branched out to create more works within a podcast, videography, and poetry.

Bringing Meaning to Your Work

Wentt uses his photography and videography skills to tell a story and bring light to the black experience in America. One of the first projects I was able to see by him was titled My Skin Is Not A Threat. He began this project shortly after the deaths of Keith Lamont Scott and Terrence Crutcher, both unarmed black men who were unjustly killed by the police. Trevor Wentt states that he wanted to scream from the rooftops that the color of their skin does not make them dangerous, that the stereotypes and narrative that is perpetuated in the media proclaiming that African Americans are criminals are wrong, that Black Lives Matter. Period. And I think his work says it all.

Another work of his that has inspired me is called Juneteenth named after an important day in American history that no one seems to talk about. It is a holiday and celebration of the day slaves in Texas were informed that they were finally free. Wentt's self-portrait work not only displays the broken shackles of the past on his wrists but, also recognizes its affect and importance in the present by wearing a modern day suit. His photography not only reminds us of American history as it was and as it is, it teaches American history through the distinct perspective of an oppressed black man.

I strive to create meaningful work as powerful as Trevor Wentt's photography, videography and writings. To be able to speak out about injustice, celebrate history, and share new perspectives. I encourage you to check out his other works and projects on his website as well on his Youtube and Instagram.

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