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  • jakellmel

My Favorite Photoshoot

Updated: Jan 21, 2021

When it comes to photography, I am always reluctant to create self-portraits. However, most times I am the only person available to model for a photo. Last semester, my photography class final was to submit a series of photos with any style of photography. I don't have much experience in fashion photography, so I decided to give it a try but, I had no one to model for me. Therefore, like I stated earlier, I had to model for my own pictures.

I found my final to be considerably difficult due to my lack of skill and practice. I am also still learning the ropes of good composition and have no idea how to pose for portraits. After gathering clothing for the looks and creating a backdrop, it was finally time to take the pictures. Of course there was still the problem of not knowing how to pose for the images. I probably took hundreds of photos trying to find the right pose and spent hours looking at different examples of poses on the internet.

There were many times during the photoshoot that I thought maybe I should give up and just try something else but, I decided to just push through it and somehow make it work. I was able to make it work eventually, after getting up and checking my camera settings multiple times, attempting to connect my camera to my phone as a wireless remote, fixing my outfit (and/or make-up), redoing my hair, and so much more, I was finally able to get the shot. I think the shots turned out amazing, only after hours of editing the colors, extending backdrops, and smoothing out wrinkles. My favorite image of the three is the very last image with the picture frame and green blazer, I think the pose and prop create a more interesting composition compared to the first two images. I really loved the final product of this photoshoot and hope I can create more in the future no matter how difficult or stressful the process is.

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Found NFT

Here is the link to the NFT I have found for this assignment:


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