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  • jakellmel

Appropriated Video WIP

The Male gaze has been and still is prominent in media and film, in my video I wanted to display male characters gazing at female characters, actively watching their bodies and emphasize the female body so that viewers consider what they are looking at and why.

I chose a total of three film clips, each to convey a different point. In my first clip I wanted to express how overly glamourized and sexualized the female body is by glamourizing the shot with the addition of a glowy effect and making the scene sparkle. For the second clip I wanted to focus on the male character and his actions. I edited the clips to include only snippets of the female character just enough for the viewer to identify the characters ( or their bodies) and take in the scene. While on the other hand the shots of the male characters are longer and more pronounced. The viewer is more aware of their staring. The third and final clip however also includes the female character's reaction to the male character's staring.

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Found NFT

Here is the link to the NFT I have found for this assignment:


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